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SCENTS: Car & Room Fresheners

These high-quality, innovative air fresheners by MANAROMA® are uniquely scented with tantalizing and delicious, custom-blended fragrances designed for effective, longer-lasting action against unwanted room, closet and car odors. They are available in 'hang anywhere "CLOUD" packs, 2-ounce spray bottles or convenient pen–clip atomizers.

MANAROMA® "CLOUD" Air Fresheners - Variety 5-Pack -- NEW--


MANAROMA® "CLOUD" Air Fresheners - Variety 5-Pack -- NEW--


Enjoy all five MANAROMA® "CLOUD" Air Fresheners in a handy variety 5-pack assortment: Bright Burst, Cool Breeze, Mystic Rain, Subtle Heat and Sunny Dayz.  They provide long-lasting action against unwanted room, closet and car odors. Ideally used with either the pen-clip mist or 2-ounce sprayers, they are renewable and therefore eco-friendly. Hang them anywhere and experience the difference!

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The Variety 5-Pack, 'Hang Anywhere' "CLOUD" Air Fresheners are an assortment of these 5 unique scents: Bright Burst, Cool Breeze, Mystic Rain, Subtle Heat and Sunny Dayz.  Please specify desired quantity when ordering.

MANAROMA® 'Hang Anywhere' "CLOUD" Air Fresheners - Variety 5-Pack -- NEW--

MANAROMA® 'Hang Anywhere' "CLOUD" Air Fresheners - Variety 5-Pack -- NEW--