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SWEETS: Direct Import Gourmet Jams, Jellies, Spreads, Chocolates & Honeys

Nestled neatly on the rim of the Caribbean conveniently between Mexico and Guatemala, Belize is home to some of the tropics’ best fruits. And it is from these sometimes seasonal fruits that Wilana has blended her unique line of gourmet jams, jellies, honeys, spreads and chocolates. We have chosen a few and tried to capture the very essence to share with you our customers. We hope that you will enjoy these unique flavors of Belize!

HOT MAMA’S® Dark Chocolate with Habanero Pepper


HOT MAMA’S® Dark Chocolate with Habanero Pepper

Sale Price:$4.25 Original Price:$4.95

The perfect way to end a meal. Dark Chocolate with a spicy habanero pepper kick! Real Cacao chocolate, certified organic. Only available online by Sauces Scents & Sweets! **Must be stored in the refrigerator.

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SIZE: 1.15 oz. bar. *Must be stored in the refrigerator or a cool, dark space.